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Managing Your Kids Technology

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As a parent you’re probably often wondering what the best way is to manage your kids’ technology, not just from a security standpoint but where, when and how much they use it. Let’s face it, love it or hate it, technology isn’t going anywhere and is here to stay. So, the best thing you can do is take the steps necessary to assure your kids technology is as secure as possible and that they are using it responsibly, and not letting it distract them from other important responsibilities in life, like school, chores and family time. With technology constantly evolving it can be quite intimidating to a parent, especially if your kids know more about it than you do. This is why it’s important for you to have the necessary awareness and skills to manage and address concerns as they arise. No one should expect a parent to understand this technology on the level of a guru, but it’s important to understand how, as an end user and parental administrator, that you can not only manage your kids’ technology but regulate their use, so they don’t abuse it, and neglect other important responsibilities they have.

Here are some steps you can take for getting a handle on your kids’ technology:

Inventory their technology:

It’s important to first understand all of the tech they are using. Whether related to their PC, tablet or smartphone, understanding all that they use, and the ties each of the platforms have, will help you be organized in your efforts to oversee, secure and get a read on their use.

Setting up limitations:

It’s important that you set parameters on how much time is spent using their technology and when. Establishing parental control is key to regulating. There are a number of software applications and services out there to establish parental control. Having one that is universal, that can be used in conjunction with their PC, Tablet or phone is important. This way you have an all-in-one solution to manage VS separate applications for each device. This can be easier said than done to find. Sometimes because of compatibility, or other reasons outside of the technical perspective, you may be forced to use more than one application to manage things. Doing your research and trying different platforms is recommended.

Keeping them safe online:

Assuring your kids devices are secure, with anti-virus software, is very important. Almost any device today can run such protection. There are even free software applications, or ones that may come with a service you already subscribe to, so do the research and determine what services you use that potentially offer a suite of applications. Every device needs security, including Mac’s and iPhone’s.

The benefits of technology:

There are many benefits to allowing your kids access to the latest and great technology today. Restricting kids from their use, and disallowing the literacy necessary for them to function, learn and hone their skills with technology is not recommended. Today’s world is driven by technology and it’s important every kid fosters the necessary skills to operate PC’s, Tablets and Smartphones, besides their personal uses. Eventually they will need them professionally. There are always going to be risks in using technology and exposure is important, which allows a kid to learn what’s right and wrong to access, so they build awareness.

Hire a professional:

If you lack the time, understanding or patience for technology and just don’t know where to start but need help, hire an IT professional such as Authority IT to help you assess your needs. We can develop a plan that is right for you and your kids and at an affordable cost that is within your budget. Reach out to us today for a consult and one of our qualified parental control technology specialists will discuss your options.

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